Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Being silent...

"There are times when silence has the loudest voice"
There is so much chaos around us, so much noise, and what is the result-more noise. People are fighting, they have least time to discover themselves and for others, things are being loved and people are being used. Similarly they think that the people who remain calm and silent are therefore weak. is it? and the answer is- no.They have much power than those who blabber and talk crap.
Mother Teresa said “We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.”
“Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.”
How true.isnt it?
Animals are the best example.I myself have a pet at home, a cute german shepherd- Bruno.He has immense unconditional love for our whole family. Someone said "the most beautiful things in the world are unspoken and they can only be felt" and same is here, he says so much by speaking nothing.That is the power of being silent. One understands oneself and enhances self discovery, it gives deep rest to body and mind, energy and enthusiasm gets revived. Its a great tool for elevating consciousness. Increased awareness and an unshakeable sense of stability comes into our lives and stay for long periods of time.
How peaceful the world would be if everybody will understand the key of silence.
So the practice of silence is a simple way to check in with ourselves and with the world around us. Creating moments every day to reconnect with silence and stillness improves state of mind, boosts energy, relaxes the body, and promotes spiritual wholeness.
One feels different and above from rest of the noisy world and gradually peace surrounds.


  1. "things are being loved and people are being used"
    nice one.
    keep it up!!!

  2. thts very true .....
    i feel d same

  3. heyy ac.....dat was really a nice1
    i 2 agree with "There are times when silence has the loudest voice"
    nice job.......n go on....

  4. nice thinking....keep it up....:)

  5. i agree..........silence , love and time are the best cure to a man's problem

  6. Yes... what u've said is absolutely true...
    The best things in life can only be felt...
    Nice one.. Keep it up... :)
